Confirmation of competence level 1 according to O-NISRA (V-NISSG)

The certificate of competence level 1 for events with laser radiation enables the performance of a laser show without public irradiation in Switzerland.


As of 12/2020, the topic of laser safety is newly regulated in Switzerland.

The training for the certification of competence level 1 is a one-day course followed by an examination.


Regulation of the certification of competence level 1 in the O-NISRA (V-NISSG):

The O-NISRA specifies the requirements resulting from the NISRA (NISSG) and regulates responsibilities in a new way. For operators of show laser systems in particular, there are new regulations which are structured as follows:

O-NISRA Art. 12 (translates V-NISSG) Event without laser radiation in the public area

1.) Any person who conducts an event without laser radiation in the public area at which a laser device of Class 1M, 2M, 3R, 3B or 4 is operated must employ a person in accordance with paragraph 2 letter a for this purpose.

2.) The person operating the laser equipment must:

a. hold a certificate of competence level 1 in accordance with Article 16(1)(a) or a certificate of competence level 2 in accordance with Article 16(1)(b);

b. comply with the specifications according to Annex 3 Number 1.1;

c. notify the FOPH of the information in accordance with Annex 3 sections 2.1 and 2.2 via the FOPH's notification portal no later than 14 days before the start of the event.

New regulation by the O-NISRA as a replacement of the SLV

The O-NISRA replaces the SLV since December 2020. A central innovation here is that the notification of laser shows will no longer take place at cantonal level (or even at communal level, as handled in some cantons), but at federal level directly to the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) via a central notification portal.


The training certificate of competence:


Target of the training

Acquisition of the protected, federally recognised certificate of competence for events with laser irradiation, without public irradiation. According to O-NISRA

Admission requirements

No special requirements have to be met. Minimum age for participation: 18 years.


Training content

  • Legal basis
  • Laser technology and safety
  • Health effects
  • Reporting and reporting portal O-NISRA
  • Practical basics

Half of the training consists of theory and half of a practical part.


Examination for confirmation of competence according to O-NISRA

In order to be able to take the examination for certification of competence level 1, attendance of this course is a prerequisite. The examination takes place after the training and consists of a theoretical and a practical part.


You will receive further details as well as a specific schedule and preparation documents in the course of the registration.



Laser show certificate of competence - training dates

Sachkundebestätigung - Ausbildung nach V-NISSG

Sprache: de
Land: ch
Gemäss: V-NISSG
700,00 CHF zzgl. 8.10% MwSt

Vorabregistrierung: Sachkundebestätigung - Lasershow

Sprache: de
Land: ch
Gemäss: V-NISSG
700,00 CHF zzgl. 8.10% MwSt

Logo Laserworld Academy

Tel.: +41-71-6778086 ist ein Angebot der Laserworld Academy, einer Marke der Laserworld (Switzerland) AG

Sachkunde Lasershow | Sachkundenachweis | Sachkundebestätigung | Laserschutz | Ausbildung | V-NISSG | NISSG | SLV | Schweiz